An excellent form presentation on the on the famous sinking of the Titanic.
The presentation covers details of the sister ships: the Britannic and the Olympic; details of the building of the Titanic; the White Star Line; Captain Smith; the crew; the Ice burg and details of the survivors.
For more great resources or lessons see here:
(All images are copyright free from
15 pack of original general starters, suitable for KS3/KS2, mostly comprising of original word searches and other word based activities such as word scrambles. Subjects include: Roald Dahl, Harry Potter, animals, pets and monsters.
A handy download for just £2.50.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
A collection of 7 resources around monsters - starters and lesson ideas. Ideal for KS2/3.
* Monsters and mystery starters
* Mysteries and monster example and research task
* Monster computer research task
* Monster 10 question quiz
See my home page for more great lessons, bundles and resources:
An Olympics observation quiz with two rounds.
Round 1 – Students watch a clip of Olympic events and have to answer four questions based on what they have just seen.
Round 2 – Students watch a ‘what happens next clip’ and are rewarded for imagination as well as accuracy.
Quiz sheet included.
Ideal for form time as the quiz should take around 20 minutes.
Visit my page for more great lessons and resources:
Celebrity Match Up and Writing Task - Ideal for Group Work
A fun and engaging activity. Students have to match-up the celebrity image with the clue and then choose one of three writing tasks based on one of the celebrities.
*Now available in a great value bundle:*
You maybe also be interested in this complete lesson:
Photo credits: Flickr, Humor blog, Keith Lemon; Jagged Janine, Olly Murs; Graciela Suzem, Bruno Mars; Mingle Media, Ellie Goulding. Wikipedia, Eva Rinaldi, Taylor Swift and Harry Styles, Darz Moi, Lionel Messi, Nick Warner, Kate Middleton.
Excellent and engaging bingo style literacy game. Students simply write True or False on their 5x5 true or false cards and mark them off if the displayed literacy clue is true or false. Subject areas include: capital letters, punctuation, their, there and they're; was and were; and spellings. Power Point game suitable for key stages 2 and 3, printable true or false cards included and further instructions on how to play inside. Great for spelling and SPAG.
For more great resources and lessons see here:
(Copyright free images. Frog image from pixabay, public domain:
Big Fat Quiz of 2016 – Perfect New Year Reflection
A fantastic quiz looking back at the highs and lows of 2016.
Attractive, 53 Power Point featuring the following rounds:
* Round 1 – Name the Month
* Round 2 – In Memoriam
* Round 3 – Famous Quotes of 2016
* Round 4 – Facts and Stats
Also features, bonus, double bonus and trap rounds where you can lose as well as gain more points! The answer slides feature a fly-in answer to help build up more suspense and tension.
Ideal for form time fun or fun plenary activities for any lesson.
Quiz length approximately 25-30 minutes lesson time.
For a great intro lesson on New Year 2017 see here:
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits: copy right free images used. Text by
Print these off and hand out to students and get them to record verbal feedback. These can then be stuck in books to help students remember as well as providing evidence for OFSTED. Pack consists of three designs with two different sizes, so there is a choice of style or they can be used for different key stages or task type. Aligned so that they are easy to cut out and can be used immediately.
**Now available as a great value assessment bundle:
Image credits: Wikipedia.commons,,
A 36 page attractive bumper presentation of the faces of the new banknotes – Sir Winston Churchill, JMW Turner and Jane Austen!
Presentation includes: facts, biography, quotes, images, links to video clips, questions and more!
Ideal for form time, assemblies or as a basis for many different types of lessons.
For more great resources see here:
(Credits given in the presentation.)
Quiz Triple Pack – Great Value Download
Quiz triple pack – great value download, ideal for form time, time passing activities or part of a lesson featuring:
Word Quizzes £2:
Flags of the World Quiz £2:
Euro 2016Guess the Player Quiz 2:
For more great resources and lessons visit my shop here:
(Credits given in each page.)
Literacy bingo cards - full class set and master bingo card!
Give your students clues to the literacy word and let them work out the word and cross it off their card.
Play for a line, four corners and then a full house.
See my home page for more great lessons, bundles and resources:
Three A4 Christmas Newspaper Templates
Three A4 Christmas newspaper templates featuring the headlines (with images):
* Who Slayed Santa?
* Have you seen Rudolph?
* Santa on Strike
Easy to print off and give to students as part of a fun, but worthwhile lesson.
For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here:
(Credits: royalty free images. Who Slayed Santa image from:
Fun Quiz Pack - Hours of Fun and Games
A bumper 68 page quiz pack, featuring riddles, logo quiz, catchphrases and more. Hours of fun for just £2.00!
For more great resources, see my page here:
Excellent and engaging bingo style literacy game. Students simply write True or False on their 5x5 true or false cards and mark them off if the displayed literacy clue is true or false. Subject areas include: capital letters, punctuation, their, there and they're; was and were; and spellings. Power Point game suitable for key stages 2 and 3, printable true or false cards included and further instructions on how to play inside. Great for spelling and SPAG.
For more great resources and lessons see here:
(Copyright free images. Frog image from pixabay, public domain:
Blackboard Basic Series – Master the Semi-Colon
Part of a new ‘blackboard basic series’ a short presentation with explanations, quiz questions and short recap giving students everything they need to successfully use the semi-colon with confidence.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
(Credit: copyright free images used throughout.)
Literacy for Impact
Two short literacy impact lessons. Suitable for 20-25 minute literacy sessions. Aimed at grades 1-4.
• Punctuation for Impact
• Vocabulary for Impact
Each lesson consists of a graded learning objectives page, starter activity, thinking task, WAGOLLs and activity.
Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources:
Venice Quiz
An interactive, 10 question quiz on Venice. Students have to decide if the landmark is in Venice or not in Venice with bonus points available if they can name where the other landmark is situated.
Ideal as plenary, starter or form time fun.
Pleases note: that the Venice quiz is part of the Venice lessons below:
For a range of other interesting lessons and great resources visit my page here:
(Credits:Taketours, Monarch, Wikipedia,
Christmas Quiz Pack
A MUST download, including:
* The Ultimate Christmas Quiz
* Fun Quiz Pack
* Christmas Fun Pack
* Word Games
Well over 100 pages of quiz and Christmas fun.
Click on the links for further details.
A great value download.
For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here: